(pardon this wordy post, it'll be a looong day ahead for me. there's probability & bio test papers to complete! I'm lucky it isn't integration.)
PEIXUAN FINALLY GAVE ME MY SURPRISE and its her delicious homemade cupcakes and a yummy m&m cookie. Something to die for really, I still have 4 cupcakes :D Thankyou peixuan I'm gonna eat one for breakfast, one for recess, one for my mom and one more for myself!
(xuan took every single photo cause i was busy with m&m cookie)
this photo doesn't do justice to her cupcakes! do not judge a cupcake by its looks!
heck, i decided to put it here cause...I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE LOOKING RETARDED HAHA
its the only picture i have with the cookie *before brb eliz comes to raid the camera, thus the photo above ^ *...so pardon my face -__-
we saw many many birds behind the fence on the big field (near tanahmerah mrt)
CHUAjiaye decided to scare them away with some stomps and BOO!s.
Eliz tried with "ha! ha! ha!" *while jumping around* and one or two flew away...
so i decided to try by doing "RAWRR" *with stomping* and guess what. THEY DIDN'T MOVE A SINGLE INCH.
Did that a few times and they apparently did not work. Either the birds love me, or I look too harmless to them .__. anyway, a flock of them hopped towards jiaye..That was some crazy thing, just when we were about to calm down from those stomping and roaring..
horror! so we ran for our lives (she takes the mrt too) and got worried for quite some time for we were afraid she would catch us for "ruining the image of the school". Seems like she didn't notice ^_^
So that's bird chasing for you~
(the hearts are not for barneys/barnies)
Poh is a stupid barney! He told me to meet him right after our SS paper at tutorial room 1 for my amaths retest but guess what...
he didn't turn up. Yuncheng and i waited for ages in our classroom (along with felicia sheena terie wanzhen) but no, he never came. Ended up rotting away in 4L before we gave up looking for him (wasn't even in staffroom)
Poh caused me to miss my lunch 'cause the only thing left was milk. Oh another thing.
The whole class was laughing at his PANTS because there was this line across it (at the butt area) that was so visible, you can't help but go ROFL. I think he didn't tuck in his shirt properly..that, or his posterior is too big (or pants too small).
No, we're not laughing at him, we're laughing WITH him :D
Double SS tests on the first two periods and right after school today..went fine, if it didn't I would have drowned myself because I studied for idk how long yesterday. Its been some time since i've really studied and hey! I'd like to try that again! I do not really have confidence in the paper but at least it wasn't screwed up to me..we'll see. ms k (for the first time in ages) smiled at me, just that it still ended with "buckup emma!". Its all the same ):
I better buck up before I die for my MYEs.
20th may is a good day for a great start :D
I've also promised to do well in topics i actually understand in amaths mye so I'll get to enjoy my birthday well (hopefully).
English was hilarious. Mrsmohan brought us to the computer lab to do a RECORDING OF OURSELVES READING THE ORAL PASSAGE. I can't get rid of that irritating british accent (Which i use for the pure entertainment purposes) when reading. Too much stewie kills you k.
I read a passage about a person named mary, so I sang "mary had a little lamb" in a high pitch (but the voice really soft) on purpose. Guess what. The recording headphones never did work again. Some nice job from me aye.
I almost fell asleep during chinese again (I can't believe chinese tea only worked for 5 hours this time!)..a trip to the toilet saved me though. Yelaoshi is a very nice teacher when he's not angry, btw. I think he actually likes 4L :D
Continued watching sister act 2 during SEL and the guy who sang solo for "oh happy day" is so cool. His real name is Ryan Toby.
Anyway, the show was pretty much enjoyable besides the fact that it had a cliche ending...Shena was saying how It'll always end with
1) The main character winning
2) The main character getting a 3rd or sth..then the people will start comforting him by saying "well, that's a valuable experience to learn from yeah!"
yada, but nobody really cares since the songs in sister act 2 were so nice. Oh happy day...
The cycle's back to poh's WONDERFUL deed for us for not turning up, and of course, Choir.
LOOLOO is a retarded SL but hey JIAYOU okay! ^_^ Sleep makes me sleep and pamela was practically rolling around on the floor. Or lying still. Throwing soft toys around are entertaining, and chuajiaye: DIE YOU (censored)!! DAMN YOU! VICTORY IS MINE! Stewie fans yo! (Y)
& chriscrocker AMUSES me. though he's abit too disgusting @.@
fish: mama is sick. no wonder all of your children (except me) are horny. especially dumb px=P hahaha. lols. mama emo-ing. cheer up neh.. you hef me. behind a good mama, theres always a good child - !!me!!
fish: jiayous wonderful mama! you can do it!!! i think im lag. but.. im still here. go mama go. loves..
fish: btw.. thanks for the prezzie. haha. though greedy elizabird koped most of the sweets..
{why am i sick D: YOU ARE SICK TOO and px is polluted hahah xD her cupcakes aren't though! okay i'm happy now thanks ^_^ i have alot of good children okay :D jiayous wonderful fish swim freely in the ocean! did you miss me today hahaa and you're welcome did you use it :D}
anon: aha- i am back! got miss me right! i bet you curse yourself for driving me away LOL! i am kidding HEH! !
{hahah should i say...WELCOME BACK. hmm, did i say that? haha. I'd rather curse...you! kidding too HEH!! .__.}
peixuan: hahahaha.. u loved the SURPRISE right!!! hahaha.. i was thinking whether to tell u last night, but decided to give u a PLEASENT SURPRISE!!! hahahaha.. =D let's go and study one day for exams!!! haha..
peixuan: though i wont be much help, but HAHAHA!!! ^^ and i MUST have eighteen chefs with u!!! hohohoho.. =D hahaha.
{haha YES I LOVE IT ALOT ALOT ALOT -DDD hahha yay you shall have more surprises for me :D oayokay WE SHALL CONCENTRATE TOO. mugggg. i just need somebody to study with HAHAHA :D YES its been ages since we agreed to go there together! I LOVE THE FOOD THERE}
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